Image: Healthy New Age
Image: Prevention


When it comes to blood clots, most of the time it’s not something we think about. Most people believe blood clots are only a problem for the elderly and not something that should be worried about at a young age. However, this misconception couldn’t be further from the truth. A blood clot can affect anyone at any time regardless of age, however there are certain factors that contribute to someone being more prone to a blood clot.

Blood clots occur when blood cells begin to fuse together due to a lack of circulation. As these cells begin to collect, they transform from a liquid state to a more semi-solid consistency. This can be dangerous since the clot can begin to block blood flow. Even worse, if the blood clot breaks free it can lodge itself in the lungs or the heart, causing a pulmonary embolism which can be fatal if not treated quickly.

So who’s at risk for for a blood clot? Well, people with sedentary lifestyles are at a higher risk due to lack of movement. Even long trips in the car, when someone is sitting for more than four hours or more can be at risk for a clot. Of course, smoking and obesity can be contributing factors as well.

We did our research and found 15 signs/symptoms of blood clots that are important for you to be aware of. While not all of these symptoms indicate a clot, they are important to know nonetheless.

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