9. Rev. John Hagee (Net Worth $5 Million)

(AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)

One of the lesser known church leaders with a large bank account, John Hagee has made a name for himself as the senior pastor of Cornerstone church which he is the founder of. He is a divisive figure to be sure as he has criticized Islam, homosexuality and Catholicism while supporting Israel.

He doesn’t live a life of grandeur or flaunt any type of assets as others on this list do, but he does get his name out in the world with some wild predictions. In Jerusalem Countown: A Warning to the World, his 2005 book, he says the Bible predicts that Russia and the Islamic states will attack Israel only to be destroyed by God. This will thing lead to the Antichrist which will head the European Union which will cause a confrontation between China and the West over Israel. He may not be the most interesting person with his money, but his ideas are worth a look, regardless of the reason you check them out.


By chris

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