Macintosh HD:Users:brittanyloeffler:Downloads:Upwork:Shouldn't Do to Dogs:Dog-Dont_34.jpg

Leave Them in a Car

Macintosh HD:Users:brittanyloeffler:Library:Mobile Documents:com~apple~CloudDocs:Nesting Owls:Listings:2018-2019 Listings:1720 Fontain Unit B:Documents:Dog-Dont_1.jpg

Dogs depend on their owners for everything. From food to shelter to affection, as a dog owner you have made a promise to your dog that you will provide these things and much more to them.

It is no easy take taking care of your dog, though. We all make mistakes sometimes. Just to be sure that you are giving your dog the best life possible, here are some things that you should never do to your dog.

Never leave your dog in a hot car. The temperature can rise so high that your dog can suffer and eventually die if left in the car for too long.

By Ted