9. Philodendron


The heart shaped leaves of the Philodendron hederaceum oxycardium, or more commonly known as the philodendron house plant, are perhaps the most tantalizing thing about this great indoor wonder. The stems can grow up to eight feet long and love to crawl up or down anything near it. Because of their long limbs they look great hanging from the ceiling or on top of a bookshelf.

Care for this plant is as easy as it gets because it needs some bright indirect sunlight—which is a given for most plants. Other than that it needs to be watered about once a week, or when the top inch of the soil is dry. Make sure to measure the soil dampness with your fingertip or knuckle because over/under watering can cause droopy leaves. Unlike people, the philodendron is a great communicator and will tell you exactly what it needs based on the color and size of the leaves. If they’re growing in small and grayish in color it’s time to add some fertilizer, and it would benefit to change the soil as soon as you get them and repot them.