Gardening can be really tricky, especially when you first try it out. If you haven’t quite developed your green thumb don’t be too hard on yourself there are still some amazing plants out there that aren’t easy to kill and will make your home beautiful. I know it’s hard to always remember a watering schedule, which is why the next list of plants doesn’t consist of the dainty, temperamental type.

Different plants need different levels of care so it’s no surprise that just picking out the most colorful or first plant you see might not go so well in the long run. If you really want to make indoor gardening a hobby it’s important that you do a tiny bit of research to make sure the plant that you’re getting is right for your environment…

And Its a good thing you’re in the right spot for some great information on what options you have, and you have mostly Africa and Asia to thank for these beauties. Don’t think that because the next ten plants are hearty they aren’t going to be colorful or flashy because actually, they make some of the best decorations.