Image: Grabhouse

17. George Stratton

Image: Wikipedia

George Stratton was a psychologist at the University of California in the 1890’s who set out to prove that the visual information our retinas receive is inverted upside down, but is flipped once it reaches the brain, so we see right-side up. To prove this theory was true, Stratton wore a pair of inverted lenses, for five details, detailing his experience in a paper of his findings.

At first, Stratton stated that the world seemed almost fabricated and ethereal when it was inverted, with the rooms and objects all appearing misplaced as if they were an illusion. However, by day four he began to see the world right-side up again, and on day five he could carefully move around his house without problems. The research proved that the brain will eventually adapted to visual cues, whether they are inverted or not.

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