Koreshan Unity, Florida: The Aftermath
When Cyrus Teed died in 1908, the cult went into decline. Factions within the group moved to other areas nearby as a split divided different factions within. Still, a bit of history survived until 1981 when the last member of the group died. She was the only one buried in the park partly because the gave up much of the land to the state in 1961.
Now a national park, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1976. You can find many of the buildings still standing and being used as an educational part of the state park.
Though it seems it had a clean break, some of the land is now being held by the College of Koreshan Life Foundation. The College maintains the sect’s archives and while it is not comprised of believers, it is instead historians or individuals with family ties to the sect. They work together to preserve the pictures and documents related to the early settlement and run a blog dedicated to those who believed the unique teachings.