Old Parramore, Two Egg, Florida

Via Florida Memory

Old Parramore just six miles east of downtown Two Egg, Florida is a historic ghost town if every there was one. The history of the location can be traced back to 3,000 years ago, as unique circles were destroyed during timber clearing operations, but artifacts were recovered from the site which point to that time period.

More artifacts were found later dating back to 400-900 A.D. These artifacts are shell middens and mounds from the Weeden Island period. It wasn’t until the 1600’s that more history came alive as the Spanish explorers first arrived in the area.

Also located in the area that the pirate William Augustus Bowles came to seek food and shelter. The warriors of the town also joined in the American revolution fighting along side the British to protect the Florida colonies. They joined the British again in the War of 1812, but five years later it was clear the they would eventually be part of the United States.

As the town did not keep up with the technology of the early 1900’s, plus the flu which lead to the Great Depression, Parramore had little hope of surviving the poor planning and the lack of income. Today, visitors can see remnants of the town. A monument stands in the center and a few buildings still stand, but all that is really left is the stories of the land.

By chris

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